
Made by: Suwan Chen


In Wanderland, there are ocean jewels of great value scattered about. People have come to search for it, but only ShellBot, a specially designed shell robot, can explore Wanderland. However, the seabed is filled with searchlights and patrol robots that ShellBot must carefully avoid to avoid running out of energy. You will play as ShellBot, avoiding dangers, collecting pearls and then reaching the submarine.

Game Mechanics

-Players take on the role of ShellBot to collect pearls. The ShellBot will continue to use up energy as it travels.

-The player can recover a small amount of energy by collecting supplements.

-Players can jump through portals.

-Players need to avoid the lights above them, which will deplete your energy faster.

-Players need to avoid the small robots that patrol the area.

-Goal of the Game: Deliver the collected pearls to the submarine, in other words ShellBot needs to reach the submarine.

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